Archive for the ‘Hormone’ Tag

Be the Best You   3 comments

MaryO’Note: Links are removed from this page

bestyou“Being the best you” is in your hands! Remember how many years you nurtured everyone else? Cared for their needs? Well, now it’s time for you, but many of us don’t know where to begin to care for ourselves.

Being the best you is learning to nurture yourself. It isn’t being someone you’re not. It isn’t placing unrealistic expectations on yourself, nor allowing others to put them on you. It isn’t expecting yourself to transition through menopause’s physical, psychological and spiritual changes and expecting to be the same size 10 you once were. It’s accepting the changes, the aches and pains, learning to take a nap, finding time to regroup and sharing with other women who are going through the same thing.

There’s plenty of time to lose the excess pounds which frequently accompany menopause. Hormones will level off and everything will fall into place. Being the best you doesn’t mean you have to be the superwoman you’ve been for years. It means finding what works to make you feel better. It means taking care of YOU! Making time for YOU!

Where do you begin? By educating yourself, and arming yourself with the most updated information about treating menopause. By networking with other women who understand what you’re going through. By learning about nutrition, vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and the most natural ways to address your individual issues during menopause and beyond. Power Surge has spent years finding the best supplements, recommending only the finest products that meet the highest standards of quality. The vitamins, minerals and herbs recommended are by a reputable manufacturer whose products meet those standards

Hands down, the BEST multi vitamin for pre or postmenopausal women — containing the proper doses of vita-nutrients required by women during their transitional years — practically everything you need in one vitamin.

There are many options for treating your menopause issues — essential vitamins, minerals, soy protein and isoflavones, herbs, exercise, naturally compounded hormones, natural progesterone creams. Just trying to maintain our sanity during the confusing time of menopause is a tall order. It often feels like your body is betraying you. Learn to give yourself time and space to regroup, find a quiet space for to sort through this confusing time. Heal your weary soul with beautiful music. Find ways of coping. Learn to pamper and be good to yourself. Take care of yourself. Try a new haircut. Maybe even a new hair color. Accept that you’re changing. Treat yourself to something new, something fun, something empowering and learn some Power Surge Menopause Survival Tips.

Expect others to accept you and not to put pressure on you to be someone you’re not. Don’t waste precious time beating yourself up over getting older. So, you may not be the young whipper-snapper you once were. Who is? Life isn’t about what you used to be. Life is about who and what you are today. Applaud yourself for what you’ve accomplished and for who you are now. Life isn’t going to stand still through all these transitions, so do everything possible to be the best YOU you can be!

Power Surge is in its 20th year as an established and well-respected menopause community. After JAMA’s (The Journal of the American Medical Association) article about accuracy in health on the Web, HEALTH Magazine followed up with an article in their April, 2000 issue. They selected the top women’s health experts to sort through thousands of sites on the Internet to find those that met the criteria, accurate, informative, safe and reliable. Power Surge was selected one of “The 25 Best Health Sites for Women” and FORBES Magazine featured Power Surge in its “Best of the Web” issue’s cover article, Use With Care. HEALTH and FORBES Magazines are only two of many who have praised Power Surge as an exemplary resource for women in menopause.

Menopause is not for sissies. Being the best you means learning that there are positive steps you can take to be the best you during a time of life when it seems everything in your body is challenging that goal.

But … you’re smarter and stronger!

By Dearest, Founder of Power Surge   31 comments

alice-avatar“I repeat over and over on the site that any complaints a woman has during menopause should not automatically be attributed to the process of menopause. That’s an important disclaimer. In short, before assuming, not that you are, that any of the things you’ve mentioned in your message are associated with peri or postmenopause, you should be checked by a doctor you respect, trust and admire — one who listens to you and doesn’t just hand you a prescription to resolve your problems.

That having been said, let me tell you that during those “worst” years of perimenopause, I experienced SO MANY strange, inexplicable and, oftentimes, bizarre feelings in my body, I conjured up notions of having a brain tumor, Parkinson’s Disease, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Menniere’s Disease, a heart condition, paralysis, a potential stroke, glaucoma — have I left anything out? And I say none of this with humor.

Perimenopause is the singularly most uncomfortable time of a woman’s life. I’ve posted many times about the internal shaking. It’s been my nemesis and continues this day to plague me.

I had the facial tremors and buzzing sensations on a daily basis. The feelings were so strange, they almost defy description. No one could see it, but it felt as though I were having a stroke. I’d often experience numbness in my face and on my left side at the same time — a red flag would go up because I thought I was definitely having a coronary situation or stroke. Facial ticks, facial tremors, an electrical buzzing in the back of my neck and various parts of my body drove me to distraction.

The good part about this story is that most of those symptoms DO go away once you’ve been without a period for about a year or two. Those feelings, in the majority of cases, are due to the hormonal fluctuations your body is experiencing. Imagine turning the thermostat in your house up and down a dozen or more times a day. Your house wouldn’t know whether to turn on the heat or air conditioning.

Our bodies become very sensitized during this process. Feelings are frightening — we can walk around for days feeling vertigo/dizziness and/or a ringing in the ears (tinnitus). There were days I had to grab onto a bannister or railing for fear that I was going to fall over. My legs still pose a problem — becoming weak and feeling as if they’re not going to support me any longer. Pain in the feet, calves, shoulders, joints aching and paining often to the point of bringing tears to your eyes.

My suggestion to you would be to get yourself a thorough examination by your doctor. Have a blood workup, sugar test, thyroid, hormone levels, total lipid / cholesterol profile. Insist on an Echo cardiogram, not just a cardiogram.

Our bodies are composed of so many different types of hormones — not just estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Our bodies react to the constant ebb and flow of these hormone levels. Our central nervous system, nerve endings produce electrical impulses. Those electrical impulses are felt differently by every woman. Some women never feel them, while others are fraught with all sorts of strange sensations.

Once you’ve been given a clean bill of health by your doctor, the singularly most important thing you need to do during perimenopause is do relaxation techniques. Learn breathing exercises. Use the paper bag method (I call it “brown bagging it) I have described in many areas of the Web site and on these boards. I’ll provide a link to that at the end of this message.

Feed yourself affirmations every day that this, too, shall pass — that you are not dying — that although you feel as if your body is going to hell in a handbasket and you’re never going to survive this transition, you will. That, most importantly, there is nothing to be afraid of even though it feels at times like someone is holding a gun to your head and ready to pull the trigger.

Oh, Lord, would it were so that they’d find a way for women NOT to have to go through menopause. And, further, I am sick of hearing *some* people say that it’s all in our minds, or it’s our nerves, or if we had better things to do with our time, we wouldn’t think about it. I’ve never stopped being busy during this transition, but that didn’t ease the symptoms.

To those people, I say … until you’ve walked a mile in another person’s shoes, you can’t know what they are going through. Women in menopause aren’t hypochondriacs. I have to be dragged and feeling as if I’m not long for the world before I go to the doctor. Why? Because during perimenopause, I have learned… doctors don’t have answers to most of our questions other than to prescribe tranquilizers or anti-depressants or hormones…. and although some of these medications may help in the short term and to get you over the “hump” of perimenopause, most of them don’t work in the long term — or through the duration of perimenopause and it concerns me that there are no real long-term studies on these SSRI’s (anti-depressants).

If you feel you need to take something to get through this process, absolutely take it. Don’t make a martyr or yourself. However, remember, these medications only temporarily mask the symptoms. Learning ways to relax and cope with the changes you’re undergoing works far better over the long haul than anything else.

I have provided various relaxation and breathing techniques on this, the anxiety and the panic boards that can be tremendously helpful. The one I’d recommend is something I refer to as “brown bagging it.” It’s in various places of the site, but I’ll give you a link to my article after I’ve finished this message.

It has been my experience and I believe that of many other women who’ve passed through Power Surge over the seven years it’s been online that once you are in the throes of perimenopause, for about one or two years — perhaps a third (but not often), you will experience every conceivable symptom on the list of 34+ symptoms (* see below). I went through severe migraines and was *never* a headache person in my life. They lasted about a year or two – on and off, not every day, but they eventually stopped. I went through the facial tremors, buzzing experience as though I’d had my finger in an electrical socket. The migraines and severe palpitations, hot flashes, night sweats, crying and severe mood swings, horrific depression so much so that at times I would put my head on the pillow at night and whisper to God, “Please, if I have to feel this way tomorrow, let me not wake up.”

Those feelings — horrible as they are — don’t generally last for the full transitional period. They usually occur during the worst phase of perimenopause and only last about a year or two. That doesn’t mean you won’t ever experience them again in some milder form, but the severity and frequency will certainly decrease — and hormone therapy isn’t the magical answer. Many women using hormones still experience many of these symptoms.

Just remember that as long as you’ve been given the okay regarding your health by your health care provider, these are symptoms of menopause and, yes, I say symptoms. People have said to me, “Why do you call them symptoms? Menopause isn’t an illness.”

I tell them that I know menopause isn’t technically an illness, but seeing as how I have never felt worse in my life, I will not say that I am well.

I get very passionate about this subject and one of the reasons I’ve kept Power Surge an independent entity is because it allows me the opportunity to express myself without wondering who’s going to pay the bills if I tell the truth about the medical profession and some of the techniques of the pharmaceutical companies.

I will never get rich from Power Surge, but knowing that this community has helped so many women understand what they’re going through without just dumping medical abstracts at them and pushing pills on them has been the most gratifying and “freeing” experience of my life.

Finally, let me add my favorite words — THIS, TOO, SHALL PASS. Believe me, I thought in my heart I would never, ever survive perimenopause, but the internal shaking eases up even though it’s hell while you’re going through it. The palps will stop as well. It just takes time and a LOT of patience!

Be good to your body and it will return the favor in spades.

For the “brown bagging it” reference and many other helpful suggestions, check out the Power Surge Menopause Survival Tips article.

…and the ever useful…

* The 34+ Signs of Menopause

